And now it is a new year. 2012. Sure hope the Mayans
are wrong, but let's live it up just in case they got it
right, right? No time like the present to get that 2nd
serve working. Or how about that high backhand
floater you keep dumping into the net? You know, if
the world were coming to an end and you had to flee
from some horrible wrecking catastrophe, wouldn't you rather be fleet of foot?
Doesn't that mean you should be on the ball machine a little more, working your side-to-sides? In fact, in a pending disaster, footwork would seem to be an absolute
necessity. Why not make 2012 the year you decided to master your alley lunges and
spider steps? Why not increase the speed of your line slaloms and jump rope? Who
knows, your tennis agility could save your life. Did you ever see that movie 2012?
Stuff goes down. I'd be doing hit-and-recovers if I were you. Just in case.

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