Monday, January 2, 2012

Chapel Hill Tennis Club

The Chapel Hill Tennis Club (CHTC) is a cornerstone of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area.  Founded in 1967 as a member-owned club, we here at CHTC make it our mission to create a safe environment and an awesome community filled with people who think recreation and fun are good things. We happen to specialize in tennis courts and teaching the game of tennis, but the CHTC campus is more than just tennis.  As soon as you step foot on the grounds you notice the newly-rennovated, state-of-the-art, olympic swimming pool--as well as the separate baby pool and the big twisting waterslide in the diving well.  A few steps further and you notice the basketball half-court, and the sand volleyball court, and the playground, and the tennis hitting wall, and the 10-under tennis court, and the covered picnic area where 8-and-under campers do crafts during summer camp.  It is only after looking up to the next plateau and the stetching acres beyond that you see the multiple banks of tennis courts, 24 courts in all, freshly brushed and awaiting play.  After taking a brief tour there is no doubt that you will agree, the Chapel Hill Tennis Club campus is a recreational haven, a miracle hidden in the woods off of Hwy 54, a Chapel Hill staple conveniently located in Carrboro.

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