Saturday, January 21, 2012


CHTC INDOOR 2012 (Day 2)

Day Two opened with the Women's Open Doubles, which followed a round-robin format since there were only 4 teams entered. Mixed Open Doubles also had an early start with a couple matches going the distance, making for an interesting scheduling snafu. By the time your author arrived at 1:00 on Saturday, we were already a couple hours behind. Thankfully the players involved still enjoyed their matches, even if waiting between matches wasn't great.  

Anna Creissen smacks a serve
Outside it was dreary and wet and there was no play on any of the outdoor courts. Instead players cycled between the indoor building's less-than-expansive reception area--or they hung out in the clubhouse watching Australia Open highlights. The tournament officials sat in the uber-luxurious seat pictured above. Also pictured above is the Court Board.  We use this board (and others like it) to coordinate when and where matches go. The tiny pieces of paper are the match cards.

Your author's desk shift ended at 7:00 on Saturday night, and Brent Bennett took over for what was supposed to be, roughly, a three hour shift.  However, as 2:00 a.m. rolled around and Brent was finally walking towards his car to drive home, it became fairly apparent that "things" had gotten backed up.  Finishing up around 1:30 a.m., the two 4.0 Mixed Doubles Finalists had to get home to bed and rest.  They are scheduled to play the 4.0 Mixed Doubles Finals in a mere seven and a half hours.  

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